What is Mckinney Vento?
The McKinney-Vento Act’s Education of Homeless Children and Youth Program ensures that homeless children and youth are provided a free, appropriate public education, despite lack of a fixed place of residence or a supervising parent or guardian. The state public school admission statute assuring the right of homeless and other children and youth in similar circumstances to enroll in schools is ORS 339.115(7).
What can I do if I know of a family/student who does not have a fixed, adequate living situation?
If any staff member, student, parent, or community member becomes aware of a student or family experiencing homelessness, please contact the Seaside School District’s McKinney Vento Coordination, Jenny Risner at jrisner@seasidek12.com or complete the McKinney Vento Intake Form. The McKinney Vento Coordinator can ensure services are provided to the student(s) experiencing homelessness.
The Mckinney-Vento (Formerly Title X) Homeless Program does not just serve families living in shelters and cars, but all students who do not have a fixed, regular & adequate living situation. Some examples include:
McKinney Vento students and families may be eligible to receive the following supplies, referrals and services:
Informational Flyer