Health Services

District Health Specialist:

Tobi Boyd, RN

Phone: (503)738-5586

Email Mrs. Boyd

District Health Assistant:

Meghan McKeown

Phone: (503)738-5161

Email Ms. McKeown

Important information regarding the dangers of Fentanyl and fake pills. 

Narcan Letter - English

Narcan Letter - Spanish

My child is sick... Now what? ¿Mi Hijo esta enfermo...ahora que?

COVID Guidelines

Did someone in your household test positive for COVID?


A five-day period of isolation for those infected with COVID-19 is no longer being recommended. Oregon Public Health officials believe widespread population immunity due to vaccination and repeated infections means many COVID-19 infections are now likely asymptomatic. The five-day isolation period does little to reduce transmission. 

We still recommend all students and staff to stay home until fever-free for 48 hours and symptoms are improving please avoid contact with individuals at increased risk for severe disease, including older adults and those with underlying medical conditions. It is also recommended that you consider masking for 10 days.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact the Clatsop County Public Health Department at (503)325-8500.

Medications at school (including over the counter)

Medications can include a wide range of things. From ibuprofen, Tylenol, anti-itch cream, to cough drops. Yes, even cough drops are considered medication to the Oregon Department of Education. That means that even though your child may be able to responsibly take it or even purchase it, they need to have a signed medication form on file here at school if they bring it on school grounds with them. We know what an inconvenience this can be but it is for the safety of others and it helps staff ensure we know who may not be feeling well. So please follow the medication protocol listed below this upcoming school year to help keep everyone safe! Thank you.


Los medicamentos pueden incluir una amplia gama de cosas. Desde ibuprofeno, Tylenol y medicamentos para la alergia, hasta pastillas para la tos. Sí, incluso las pastillas para la tos se consideran medicamentos para el Departamento de Educación de Oregón. Eso significa que aunque su hijo pueda tomarlo de manera responsable o incluso comprarlo, debe tener un formulario de medicamentos firmado en el archivo aquí en la escuela si lo trae consigo a la escuela. Sabemos lo inconveniente que esto puede ser, pero es por la seguridad de los demás y ayuda al personal a asegurarse de que sepamos quién no se siente bien. ¡Así que siga el protocolo de medicamentos que se detalla a continuación este próximo año escolar para ayudar a mantener a todos a salvo! Gracias.

If your student:

  • will be using medication during the school day or 

  • has an emergency medication that they carry with them or 

  • Has a med that should be locked in the medication cabinet in the health room 

We must have you come into the school before it starts or just after to sign the necessary paperwork in order for your child to have the medication in our school buildings.


Prescription meds MUST be in the original prescription container with the student’s name/DOB/directions for use on the front. DO NOT bring meds in a ziplock baggie or old empty prescription bottle.

Do not send ANY medication with your students in their backpacks!!!

Si su estudiante:

  • estará usando medicamentos durante el día escolar o

  • tiene un medicamento de emergencia que lleva consigo o

  • Tiene un medicamento que debe estar bajo llave en el botiquín de medicamentos en la sala de salud

Debemos pedirle que venga a la escuela antes de que comience o justo después para firmar la documentación necesaria para que su hijo tenga el medicamento en nuestros edificios escolares.




Los medicamentos recetados DEBEN estar en el envase original con el nombre del estudiante/fecha de nacimiento/instrucciones de uso en el frente. NO traiga medicamentos en una bolsita con cierre hermético o en un viejo frasco de prescripción vacío.

¡No envíe NINGÚN medicamento con sus estudiantes en sus mochilas!

Wellness Policy Assessment

School Wellness Policies are required by the U.S. Department of Agriculture from school districts receiving federally-funded school meals. These School Wellness Policies set goals for school-based activities that promote healthy eating, daily physical activity, and other wellness behaviors. Individual schools must implement the district policy but can also go above and beyond the policy to improve student health.

State Bill 895 and OAR 333-050-0010-0140 require school districts to report immunization statistics each Fall and Spring.  Immunization information is provided on the Seaside School District Website and in notices to the families of the Seaside School District.

If you have any questions about immunizations, please contact the Seaside School District Health Specialist, Tobi Boyd, at or 503-738-5586.